Capricorn District Municipality has welcomed the announcement of a R9 billion investment by Waterberg Mine after it was granted a license for mining at Raweshi in Blouberg that will mainly benefit residents with 1 100 jobs.
The announcement was made during a briefing between the Mine, CDM and Blouberg Local Municipality on Wednesday.
The partnership between CDM and the Mine began in June 2018 when the two parties signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding for the mine to roll out water projects to benefit Lewaneng; Goedetrouw (Kgatlu); Early Dawn; Norma A&B and surrounding settlements in Blouberg Local Municipality and for its mining operations.
Mining is one of the biggest, viable sectors of the district economy and a major contributor to the provincial GDP. Mining activities are therefore a catalyst for economic development, particularly for the immediate and surrounding mining communities in terms of employment and provision of basic services and other amenities by the mining houses.
In making the announcement, Mr Michael Jones, the President of Waterberg Mine said the Mine is excited to work closely with the two municipalities; and is pleased that the Department of Mineral Resources has granted them mining rights, “which is a milestone that followed a long consultative process that began in 2011. We are therefore here to confirm our cooperation and commitment to the Region in this venture that will create 1100 direct skilled jobs at the mine as well as training and investment opportunities”, he said.
Jones explained that being granted the mining rights is the beginning of many strides to come and the next one is to consult with the local communities to understand their concerns and for the Mine share its developmental vision. He assured CDM and Blouberg Local Municipality that no household will relocate as a result of the mining design or operations.
Executive Mayor Cllr John Mpe welcomed the announcement and said the investment of this magnitude is exactly what CDM needs to grow the local economy, especially after the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic. “We will look into signing a memorandum of agreement with the Mine”, said Mpe, adding that the interest of CDM is to see the mine investing in local schools, clinics, proper roads as well as a water treatment plant that will supply the Mine with grey water for its operations and for local businesses to benefit from procurement with the Mine. “We will also explore the possibility of bringing the University of Limpopo into this venture”, Mpe said.
The construction of the mine will begin this year over a projected timeframe of 4 years.