CDM Special Focus host gender summit mock

Capricorn District Municipality’s Special Focus Unit hosted a mock Gender Summit at the municipality’s Council Chamber. The mock summit held on 05 April 2018 involved about sixteen Home Based Organisations from across the district.
CDM has been annually hosting the District Gender Summit since 2015. The summit is hosted in partnership with Gender Links, a Non-Governmental Organisation promoting gender issues in the Southern Africa Development Countries Region.

In 2017, CDM had the opportunity to host participants from Swaziland with the assistance from Gender Links. The summit is held under the concept of 365 days of ending violence in the SADC Region. During 2018, the district will continue to provide a platform for information dissemination and sharing of best practices in the district.

The mock summit is in preparation of the Gender Links Regional summit to be held in Mbabane, Swaziland from 09 to 10 May 2018. Thirty participants from the district will be taking part in the summit in May.

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