The Imbizo is part of the municipal programs aimed at strengthening good governance and encouraging the public to participate and provide input on the state of service provision within their communities, such as challenges related to water projects that are implemented, sanitation, electricity, health, education, roads ,etc.
Giving a way forward and responses to issues that are raised, the Executive Mayor emphasized that she is proud to hear that the members of the community know about the shortages they have in their wards. The issues they raised will be attended to, and she encourages members of the community to stop vandalizing and stealing our property.
The event was attended by stakeholders from different departments including SASSA, SAPS, Social Development, Public works and Disaster management.
The Imbizo is held under the theme ” Working together to accelerate provision of basic services to local communities through Public Participation”. The council Imbizo took place on 22 October 2024.
Re Šoma le Setšhaba.