CDM commemorates IDDR and IFF Day at Botlokwa

Capricorn District Municipality commemorated its International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDR) and International Fire Fighters Day at Botlokwa Eisleben, Rangers Sports Ground in Molemole Local Municipality. The commemoration was held on 27 March 2019.

The purpose of the event was to create a culture of risk avoidance amongst communities in the district by capacitating them by way of educating them and creating awareness about disaster issues. During the event the community was educated about what disaster is, what is it that they should do when disaster strikes and what is the role of the district municipality during disaster incidents.

Speaking on behalf of CDM Executive Mayor Cllr. John Mpe, Cllr Betty Kgare encouraged the community to learn more about disaster and fire issues. She also called on traditional authorities to avoid giving people land for residential purpose on areas that are prone to flooding.

A moment of silence was also observed to remember those fire fighters who lost their lives while in their line of duty, and also to remember the victims of the recent cyclone idai which happened in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. In attendance was councillors, officials, stakeholders in the disaster & fire sector and members of the community.

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