CDM IDP Consultation Process underway

On 24 April Capricorn District Municipality commenced with the IDP consultation process which is the drive to share 2017-18 service delivery plans with stakeholders and have discussions. The process started with the first session at MJ Gateway in Polokwane with sector departments and parastatals.  The second leg of IDP consultation was with traditional leaders at Polokwane Royal Hotel on 25 April 2017. The district continued to interact on the draft 2017-18 IDP & budget. “Traditional leaders form a key integral part of our governance as 80% of our district population is under 28 traditional authorities. They therefore need to have a say in how development should take place in their communities” said Executive Mayor Cllr John Mpe. As part of engagements and discussion Executive Mayor emphasised the importance of paying for services, as revenue was a source of life for municipalities, without which a municipality could be de-established. He cites the then Aganang Municipality as an example why it was no more.

On the evening of the 26 April 2017, the district engaged businesses and academic institutions at the Limpopo Guest Manor to hear their views on the draft IDP and budget for 2017-18 so they can help the institution to achieve the socio-economic transformation agenda contained in the IDP, create much-needed jobs & alleviate poverty. “The role of businesses in the district is central in growing our local economy through enterpreneurship; they are therefore important stakeholders” said the Executive Mayor. On 28 April 2017 the session was held with NGOs/CBOs at Bolivia Lodge. The session will end with the 3rd IDP Representative Forum which will be held on 04 May 2017 at Bolivia Lodge. When the consultations are complete the municipality will gather inputs and comments and see how they incorporate them into the IDP/ Budget before the final Approval that will be held towards the end of the financial year. Re Šoma le Setšhaba!


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