Shortages of water and enforcement of water restrictions



Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) received a warning from the Department of Water and Sanitation about the reduction of raw water to both Olifantspoort and Flag Boshielo Water Schemes. This will result in the reduction of supply of potable drinking water to our communities in Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality.




CDM is appealing to the members of the communities around the Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality to start using water sparingly and economically. The communities around the Lepelle-Nkumpi Municipality receives their water from bulk pipe line coming from Flag Boshielo and Olifantspoort Dams which are experiencing reduction in raw water due to drought and winter dry season (lack of rain).




Capricorn District Municipality works in partnership with Lepelle Norther Water (LNW) which is a bulk water service provider to CDM. The drought situation within the catchment area is so severe that the dams’ level is dropping at a fast rate and unless critical measures are put in place, supply will unfortunately discontinue to the detriment of communities hence we are urging all communities to assist in the enforcement of water restrictions and against misuse of water. This notification is in line with the concluded bulk water contract between LNW and CDM for the provision of bulk water services.




This information is not only directed to communities in Lepelle-Nkumpi, but to the entire district. We have in our district fewer surface water sources and we depend heavily on underground water, which also runs dry from time to time. And because of this situation, we spend most of their available time moving from one community meeting resolving issues related to water supply interruptions.




Capricorn District Municipality knows that water is not only important to us as residents of Capricorn but vital for the survival of the rest of humankind. It is also a priority if we are to speak of a socio-economic change in the lives of people. Let us use water sparingly. Assist us in the enforcement of water restrictions. This affects all of us. Water is life




Issued by CDM Communications




Jabu Masondo 082 302 0566




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