Capricorn District and it’s local municipalities are currently engaging in the Organisational Strategic Lekgotla taking place at The Ranch.
This Organisational Strategic Lekgotla is a culmination from departmental strategic planning sessions, management sessions and special Mayoral session, IDP consultative meetings that took place between January and March 2024.
This session is facilitated by MMC Masoga and is attended by our Executive Mayor, Cllr Mamedupi Teffo, Polokwane Executive Mayor, Cllr Mpe, Lepelle-Nkumpi Mayor, cllr Molala. Municipalities Council Speakers and Whips are also in attendance, the Municipal Managers and their management, Mayoral Committees Members, MPAC and Ethics members and political parties represented in Council.
“We are pleased that this Lekgotla comes at a time when we are finalising our Budget/ IDP consultation processes and I believe we have so far made significant advances and impact since we took over at the beginning of this mandate term in delivering on the promise of ‘building better communities together’ the Executive Mayor, Cllr Mamedupi Teffo said in her opening remarks.
IDPs of municipalities are developed for a five-year period and are reviewed annually.
The IDP planning processes has five phases:
  • Phase 1: Analysis.
  • Phase 2: Strategies.
  • Phase 3: Projects.
  • Phase 4: Integration.
  • Phase 5: Approval.
We are currently at Phase 4, where all stakeholders will deliberate on draft IDP that will feed to One Plan integration. Most of our municipalities will be adopting IDP/budget for 2024/2025 by next week.
The Executive Mayor emphasised that she hopes that the presentations that will be presented should give us insight and a holistic view of how our plans are integrated and how we can drive the pace together in improving the lives of our communities, especially those who have been waiting for three decades to enjoy a better life as with those who fall in the delivery milestones we have made.

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