According to the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) No.56 of 2003, the accounting officer of a municipality must prepare the Annual Financial Statements (AFS) of the municipality and within two months after the end of the financial year to which those statements relate, submit the statements to the Auditor-General (AG) for auditing.

The AFS must be accompanied by the Annual Performance Report (APR) which is drafted in terms of Section 46 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000.

It remains the responsibility of municipalities to submit these two important documents to Auditor General (AG) on or before the due date. Failure to submit these two key documents to AG can lead to non-compliance with Municipal Systems Act (MSA) and MFMA.

CDM and it’s local municipalities, namely: Polokwane, Blouberg, Molemole and Lepelle-Nkumpi were able to comply with the deadline of 31 August 2022 in submitting APR and AFS.

Furthermore, the two reports were also successfully submitted to Provincial Coghsta, National and Provincial Treasuries for compliance.

The elements of the Annual Financial Statements included the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow, statement of changes in equity, and the notes to the financial statements. It also reflected on five components of financials which is Assets, Liability, Equity, Revenue and Expenses.

While the Annual Performance Report reflected the actual performance of Municipalities as measured against the performance indicators and targets in its SDBIP for 2021/2022.

The format of the reports reflected the Municipalities’s Key Performance Indicators (KPI) per Municipal Key Performance Area. The reports also endeavour to report to all municipal Councils on the Municipality’s performance in terms of the five (5) National Government’s Strategic key Performance Areas for local government, which are (1) Basic Service Delivery; (2) Local Economic Development; (3) Municipal Institutional
Transformation and Organisational Development; (4) Municipal Financial Viability and Management and (5) Good Governance and Public Participation.

The Executive Mayor, Cllr Mamedupi Teffo acknowledged the role played by all Mayors in all local municipalities in the district, Members of the Mayoral Committees, Members of Executive Committees, Audit Committee Members, Municipal Managers, CFO’s, Heads of Internal Audit Units and all staff for sterling work they did in ensuring that the submission was done on time. She also encouraged the district and its local municipalities to work very hard to improve their audit outcomes from where it was during the previous audit.

Executive Mayor has further thanked provincial MEC’s for Coghsta Hon. B Makamu and Treasury Hon. SC Sekoati and HOD’s as well as their municipal support teams for providing a helping hand which enabled the district on time submission.

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