The Capricorn District Municipality hosted successfull IDDR activities. The IDDR ended at Ga-Seloane on 15 October 2020. The build-up activities started on 08 October 2020 at Ga-Mashashane proceeded to Mogwadi and Alldays on 09 October 2020 then Mafefe on the 14th of October 2020.
“We started with the IDDR campaigns in 2015 and we have never looked back. Every year we intensify our programmes”, said Cllr Kgare, Member of the Mayoral Committee for Community Services. Cllr Kgare was speaking during the IDDR held on 14 October 2020 at Mafefe Traditional Authority in Mafefe under Lepelle – Nkumpi Local Municipality.
Cllr Kgare said they were delighted to have the national disaster office present. We like to assure you that as the District Municipality, we are committed to supporting disaster management programmes. Our long term vision is to have a fully operational disaster management center. We however still strive for more even with the current budget constraints.
In his message of support, Mr Herold Kgwetiane, indicated that the their mandate as national was to support the Provincial, District and Local Disaster Management Centers and also to ensure that the disaster management functions is integrated and coordinated well in South Africa.
“The commemoration of the day affords us an opportunity as national and the country at Large. We come together to share knowledge and experiences on how best to develop programmes that are aimed at reducing the impact of disaster. It also creates a platform for disaster to create awareness through information sharing sessions with various stakeholders”, said Kgwetiane.
“Disaster management is everybody’s business. As national disaster management centre we are here to support this celebration also looking at the importance of the role of traditional leadership in disaster management issues. Traditional leaders have a crucial role to play in disaster management programs”, said Kgwetiane.
“At the Provincial level the MEC for CoGHSTA has a responsibility to come up with disaster strategy that outline plans on how as a province plan to identify and reduce disaster risks, prevent new risks nand identity the impact thereof”, emphasized Kgwetiane.
Cllr Kgare indicated that in line with the disaster law that requires the representation of traditional leaders, in Capricorn District Kgoshi Kibi has been elected for the role.
The Speaker of CDM Council Cllr Maite Mohale thanked Mafefe Traditional Authority for allowing the celebration to be held in their area and appreciated the presence of the National Disaster Management Center.
The IDDR celebration was held under the theme, ‘Substantially increase the number of District Disaster Risk Reduction strategies to combat the effect of natural and man-made disaster”. Tagline #ItsAllAboutGivernance #DDRday.