Our Council pays tribute to these passionate, servant, exemplary leaders who were always prepared to sacrifice their personal and family time to fulfil the agenda of improving the lives of our communities. As key political functionaries in our governance, you led by example and gave practical meaning to the values of our Council, which include, among others – respect, integrity, responsibility, excellence, and strong ethical culture amongst all Councillors.
To the Speaker, you worked hard to forge unity amongst opposing constituencies and dissenting voices. Thank you for honing our systems to give timely feedback to the multitude of our people throughout the service delivery cycle, thus bringing to reality the concepts of public participation and good governance. We thank you for prioritising capacity-building interventions to empower councillors about the dynamics of governance, accountability, and local government law, thus ensuring that they are fit for purpose.
To the Chiefwhip, we pay tribute to you for sharpening a point of convergence for all represented political constituencies and for keeping their interests in sync with the Council’s mandate. We thank you for your task in enforcing the whipping system in Council, which ensured that the Whippery committee attended and participated in the approval of council policies and budget. We also would like to thank you for ensuring that Council Lekgotla which is part of the annual Organisational Strategic Planning was well coordinated and resolutions were implemented.
In the PMT, you were the pillars of strength, the wells of wisdom and it has indeed been a great pleasure working with you. Our Council will remember your insightful oversight and leadership. We will forever cherish your selfless contribution and we are confident that the Limpopo Legislature will benefit immensely from the wisdom and labour you gave to our Council, and we wish you all the best.
We also bid farewell to Cllr Tiny Chidi of the DA party and Cllr Jacob Lebogo from EFF party who have also resigned to pursue other interests. On behalf of the Council and the people of the Capricorn District, I wish them all the best for the future.