The Executive Mayor of CDM was at Ratanang Special School in Senwabarwana visiting 300 learners who were participating in the school camp on 06 October 2022 at Pax College.
The learners were from different schools in Blouberg, Polokwane and Molemole that were falling under seventeen circuits from the Capricorn North Circuit. This is an annual program that CDM is coordinating as part of support to the education sector in the district.
“You are lucky because your educators believe in you and brought you to this camp. When you are here, think about the situation at home and make it your responsibility to change that situation for the better, ” said Cllr. Mamedupi Teffo.
She added that “the district has put its hopes on the learners, and they must put the district on the map. Learners must not take this program lightly, CDM will continue supporting them.” She was joined by the Mayor of Blouberg Local Municipality Cllr Maria Thamaga.