Capricorn District Municipality held successful IDP Consultation meetings for the Draft 2021/2022 – 2025/2026 IDP/Budget. The municipality met with stakeholders to get inputs regarding the Draft 2021/2022 -2025/2026 proposed targets and Draft 2021/2022 – 2023/2024 Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework projects and budget.
The municipality met with sector departments and parastatals, traditional leaders, Academics and Businesses, NGOs and CBOs in Polokwane on various dates between 20 and 23 April 2021. The municipality’s objectives, strategies and five year targets are contained in the draft Idp/Budget.
Further comments and inputs can be forwarded to and the municipality’s social media platforms. The document is accessible at the municipal website at discrict’s office, local municipalities, satellite offices, traxitional officices and libraries. The submission of inputs and comments closes on 07 May 2021.